
Monday 21 February 2011

The Characters

In the 'Never Ending Wonderful Story',there are too many characters involved.However,the main characters that inspire me a lot are these approximately 13 people.I'll start from FAME D FANS,Anna and The Geng and my new-crazy-ting-tong girlfriend.

Fairuz Nabilah

She is the most powerful student in SIGS.Was a head-prefect.Teachers and juniors thought she is a well-mannered,nerd,straight,amazingly boring kind of girl.HOWEVER,she is totally different.She stalks a guy for like 5 years!And turn out to be very horny when it comes to Spanish guy.Ala,malasla nak buat ayat Inggeris..In conclusion,she is my best counsellor,commenter,friend (that's for sure la) and etc.Fairuz,kite sure nanti awak kahwin dgn mamat Spanish exactly macam Mario tapi version sihat walafiat so awak dapat anak cecomel and boleh kahwin ngn anak kite ngan Jack HAHAHAHA!

Aishah Sabina
Transfered to SIGS from a Sekolah Agama.WAS a very polite and a cute girl.Changed after a few months.VERY innocent-still innocent until today.A very enthusiastic and bombastic kid.Currently having a dilemma in choosing a boyfriend.Didn't talk a lot with her lately.Abean,baru aq prasan aq dah lame x bebual ngn kau!A shinobi and a police cadet."Saya jumpa Aishah hari tu kat STF.Kesian tgk die angkat senapang" Cikgu Adnan.haha.I'm so proud of you dudee!

to be continued..
Thursday 17 February 2011

W e l c o m e .

Hello and welcome to our blog.Why is it called as "our"?Because we owned this blog.Who?THE GREATEST KIDS Uum* no no, BUDDIES you've ever met(I hope so).This blog mainly consisted of the memories in our life.Memories of PONDANIANs, MENCECEY unt., Yume no Hon Panelists & BEST random buddies (such as Aien, Syadza dan mana2 yg terlibat ^^ )


Monyet Anna


if possible, kte tak nak go seperate ways! T.T

Rabbit Gila.

Game favourite kami di Wii. XD CUCI KAIN dan Main guitar/drum/vocal. XDD


Ini Azri si Penguin. XDD


Fairuz, awak kan suka joget ginih. XDD


Shera-chan XDD ni kucing awak yang mafia tuh XDD


OMG NADWA!!! ni sangat membuatkan kte teringat kat awak. XDD -Anna

Minna! Don't forget!!

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